Even I'm an old Java developer, I'm a newbie on node and npm and it's a new playground for me.
My project is to product some JS code (maybe TypeScript). As every software architect, my first question was : how to structure, package and deliver my project. This is done with npm (the package manager from node.js).
I've got npm on my laptop (installed with a classic sudo apt-get install npm) but I realized it's an old release.
Hopefully, node.js echosystem is great and everything can be self upgraded. Thus, you don't need any new debian package. Great! Let's'do this :
# Let's upgrade node.js to the last stable release
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
# Then, we upgrade npm
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
# If your npm -v doesn't return the new version, you sould have multiple npm executable in your path
# On my Ubuntu, I changed the symbolic link
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
That's all!
My project is to product some JS code (maybe TypeScript). As every software architect, my first question was : how to structure, package and deliver my project. This is done with npm (the package manager from node.js).
I've got npm on my laptop (installed with a classic sudo apt-get install npm) but I realized it's an old release.
Hopefully, node.js echosystem is great and everything can be self upgraded. Thus, you don't need any new debian package. Great! Let's'do this :
# Let's upgrade node.js to the last stable release
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
# Then, we upgrade npm
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
# If your npm -v doesn't return the new version, you sould have multiple npm executable in your path
# On my Ubuntu, I changed the symbolic link
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
That's all!